Occupy Homes Mobilization @ the DOJ

Occupy Homes Mobilization @ the DOJ

Dozens of underwater homeowners from around the country and hundreds of allies took to the streets on May 20th, 2013 to confront the Department of Justice, demanding an end to their “too big to jail” policy. Despite rampant fraud, abuses, and illegal foreclosures, not a single bank has been prosecuted. The home defenders marched, stormed the door at the DOJ, blocked all building exits, set up street blockades and an encampment on the front lawn.

On the following day, home defenders occupied the lobby of Covington & Burling in DC, the law firm that defends Wall Street firms like Goldman Sachs, among others. It’s where senior DOJ officials came from (and are expected to return). 8 underwater homeowners were arrested blockading the revolving door. Both actions were organized by Occupy Homes and Home Defenders League.

Not An Alternative produced all the visuals for the event, including mili-tents: tents emblazoned with messaging that could function as mobile protest signs or as sleeping tents; a 100-foot flexible mesh netting with messaging that could serve as a banner or as a street barricade; banners, flags, signs, and a mobile stage and float in the form of the facade of a foreclosed home.

We also created social media graphics during the action that were pushed via multiple Facebook pages and Twitter feeds, telling the story of the day as it unfolded in a form that was easy to share. Here they are in reverse chronological order.

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