End the McHunger Games

End the McHunger Games

Not An Alternative had some fun collaborating with New York Communities for Change, United NY, and Strong Economy for All Coalition to promote New York City’s low-wage worker campaigns and their demand for local power to raise the minimum wage.


The Hunger Games are REAL. They are a reality for 3 million New Yorkers exchanging hard work for low wages. Global chains like McDonalds and Walmart make record profits while their workers barely get by on public assistance.


It’s time to end the McHunger Games. Workers are banding together to change the rules of the game. We demand local power to raise the wage — and we won’t stop until the odds are in everyone’s favor.


Join the resistance!


NY Communities for Change Strong Economy for All United NY

What We Did

Creative strategy and direction, social media strategy, copy writing, video production, props production, graphic design.


April 22, 2014


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