
Global Revolutions: The U.S., Middle East and North African Uprisings

Sunday, November 6th, 5pm Zuccotti Park - under the red sculpture (directly after the multi-faith service.) We are honored that three Middle Eastern and North African activists Esraa Abdel Fattah - Egypt, Jamel Bettaieb - Tunisia, Mahboubeh Abbasgholizadeh - Iran will be with us at OWS. Esraa Abdel Fattah...

Activists Barred from U.S., and #occupywallstreet

We regret to inform you that this Wednesday's Yes Lab event, organized by Not An Alternative, with UK climate campaign campaigners John Stewart and Dan Glass has been postponed. A few days ago, Stewart landed in JFK Airport for a month-long US speaking tour, only to...

Introducing #whoownspace

#whOWNSpace is a collaborative started by DSGN AGNC with Not An Alternativeand DoTank:Brooklyn, organizations that have been dealing with spatial politics. Other groups, organizations, and individuals will be joining soon, contact us if you are interested. Our goal is to gain many other collaborators and...

#occupywallstreet art build — volunteer sign-up

Not an Alternative Art Build - Volunteers Needed Plug in to our current build! We will be making props and projects that will be used in campaigns with Occupy Wall Street and NYC community groups at the frontlines of the economic crisis.WHEN:Monday, Aug 31 - Friday,...

Not An Alternative @ Museum of Modern Art, Mexico City

Encuentro de Espacios Culturales de Accion No Institucionalizada: September 29-30, 2011 Originally in Spanish, Translation from Google Translate: The Museum of Modern Art of Mexico City is organizing this international meeting to reflect on the contributions of the cultural spaces of self-management. From Europe, U.S. and Latin...

Creative Activism Thursdays: Revolutionaries Live!

Dear friends, as Not An Alternative is busy readying the new NO↔SPACE for public events and programming, we're teaming up with The Yes Lab to present a series of lectures and workshops this Fall at NYU. We hope to see you there. And stay tuned for...

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