We have a new website!
Goodbye blog, hello website!
It’s a happy day here at Not An Alternative–we’ve (at long last) packaged more than 10 years of work into a proper site. No more scrolling through reverse-chronological posts to sort through countless updates, events, videos, essays, and interventions.
You’ll find it all here:
Projects and interventions–from a tent city take-over of a vacant bank owned lot with community group Picture The Homeless, to props for Trayvon Martin solidarity demonstrations, to an installation at Tate Modern critiquing the role the museum’s corporate sponsor Morgan Stanley played in the foreclosure crisis, to Occupy movement visuals, to our newest, ongoing project The Natural History Museum.
Talks and presentations–on the politics of the social in contemporary art, the notion of “useful art”, the limits of the participation paradigm, and on occupying or splitting institutions as a means of building counter-power.
Essays and writing on themes relating to art and activism, published at Creative Time Reports, Journal of Aesthetics and Protest, ROAR Magazine, and other platforms.
Curatorial projects–like the Re:Group exhibition produced with Eyebeam and UpgradeNY!, the Symbols, Branding, and Persuasion programming series, and other events at our Brooklyn-based events venue No-Space (formerly called The Change You Want To See Gallery).
And press hits, blog posts, and our lab, where we provide props production, design, and strategy support to community groups and advocacy organizations.
Have a poke around, and let us know what you think?
Not An Alternative
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