Kickstarting No↔Space: 48 hrs left!
For the last 7 years No↔Space, managed by Not An Alternative, has functioned as a base for art and activism in NYC. A few months ago, a staggering rent increase (240%) forced us out of our Williamsburg home. But that didn’t slow us down: we’ve happily found a new space in Greenpoint, and in the midst of the Occupy Wall Street movement we’re busier than we’ve ever been!
It’s true we suffered a blow in losing our home base, we’re starting over with a raw space, building it out from scratch. But we couldn’t be more excited about this new chapter. We’ve launched a Kickstarter fundraising campaign to help fund the new No↔Space, and our next year of events and projects.
Thanks to the support of our amazing community, we’ve just reached our goal of $10,000 this week! But why stop there? Now we’re aiming to raise another $5,000 to cover upcoming projects related to Occupy Wall Street. And we have 2 days left to do it!
The $10,000 ensures that we can cover the costs of the move, the build-out, and core space-related expenses for a year. But anything we raise above that amount will go directly to new projects.
Occupy Wall Street has captured the public imagination like nothing in recent memory. This is the opportunity we have been waiting for: a chance to transform the existing social political landscape and build a mass movement for economic justice. For years Not An Alternative has collaborated with activists, artists, and community groups to produce aesthetics that function tactically and symbolically, and actions that serve to frame a message in a compelling and visual way.
We’ve got some mischief up our sleeves: interventions on privately owned public spaces, projects relating to eviction defense and home re-occupations, collaborations community groups like Picture The Homeless, Organizing for Occupation, and Take Back the Land and with artists and designers like John Hawke, DSGN AGNC, The Yes Lab, and others, and national level coordination and interventions with other #occupy cities.
While $5000 won’t get us all the way there, it will allow us to roll out some of the ideas we’ve been cooking up immediately. Can you help make it happen?
Please watch our Kickstarter video, donate what you can, and spread the word!
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